...from conflict to co- existence 

Nepal has an impressive network of protected area (PA) systems which cover more than 23% areas of the country. These protected areas have been successful to protect many globally significant and endangered species like rhino, tiger, elephants etc. The establishment of protected area system and success in wildlife protection, however, has also brought in new challenges.


One such a significant challenge is balancing the needs of rural farmers who not only live in close proximity to wildlife but also share resources. In recent years, human-wildlife conflict has become a major issue in Nepal’s conservation landscape. Conflict has become more intense where livestock holdings and agriculture are an important part of rural livelihoods of Nepal. As most of the victims are poor and are traditionally dependent on forest resources for their day-to-day livelihoods, in retaliation, local people tend to kill wild animals out of their frustration and anger causing loses on both sides. Wild animals most exposed to conflict with human beings are also likely to be more prone to extinction.


The long term survival of wildlife thus depends on proper management of human-willdife conflicts and the creation of conditions for human-wildlife co-existence. There is a need to protect rural livelihoods, reduce their vulnerability, counter-balance losses with benefits and foster community-based people-led conservation approach. And it is here where the role of Relief Fund for Wildlife Victims comes in.